Singing and About Us

Meet Merryn Steel, our Founder and Choir Leader

Merryn has been involved with music and singing for many years. Her passion began when as a child she was introduced to singing at her local church. It has gone on from singing in choirs to conducting both children’s and adult choirs at the church, and currently conducts the Melbourne Staff Songsters, the auditioned choir of The Salvation Army.

She is passionate about providing opportunities at a community level for all people to sing and conducts a number of community choirs.  Merryn has a strong belief in the ability of music, and in particular singing, to bring people together giving people a sense of community.

Merryn Steel

In the past few years Merryn has worked with local school children and has thoroughly enjoyed the experience of helping them to discover the magic of music and singing. She has gained so much from watching the children in her groups flourish as they have embraced the knowledge and experiences shared through their journey to a better understanding of music and singing. As the children become more absorbed in the music itself and develop their singing and musicianship their enjoyment increases.

Growing in Confidence

Merryn is excited about the benefits that singing can bring to children. It may be the child is lacking in social interaction skills or confidence. Merryn has been encouraged to see the children blossom as a result of their involvement in groups such as the ones she runs as part of Kids on Song.

One of the ways in which Kids on Song helps the children to gain in confidence is in relation to performance. Merryn encourages each child to get involved with delivering performances to the local community. These are varied and include singing in local shopping centres, aged care facilities and at concerts with other choirs.  The value of getting the children interacting with others outside the group is immeasurable and really helps with building the children’s self confidence and awareness.

If you are interested in finding out more you can call Merryn on 0417 387 900 or email